國鐵在全國出軌的交通意外偶有發生,但在華州卻是第一次出現的嚴重事故。國鐵的安全問題一直被批評,主要是鐵路老化缺錢維修重建及管理不善所致。由於鐵路穿州過市,跨國行走,同一條鐵路的維修保養,經常因地域不同而分別要由聯邦、州、郡與市的交通部門來攤分,這並不相等於人多好辦事;恰恰相反,要分擔責任時所需程序就變得繁複,以致事倍功半, 經常祗聞樓梯響,不見人下來。
早在鐵路構思要規劃新路線時,途經的城市也曾發聲表示鐵路存在很多未達到標準的安全問題,也有市長曾因此控告國鐵,但卻不得要領;日前的意外一語成讖, 給了各相關單位當頭一棒,希望有關當局能認真調查給民眾交待,並作出適當措施,以恢復民眾對使用這耗資一億八千多萬元改道工程的信心。
To Entire Seattle Chinese Post: Happy New Year!
We want to thank you in advance for your Sustained Focus and Reporting on the issue.
Lisa Wang, Tony Wu, Mary Cheng and Larry Liu
Here is why We Don’t Believe American Dream Whatsoever!!
Dec. 2017
Fact A: 1 in 6 people in America face hunger. USDA defines “food insecurity” as the lack of access to enough food on almost daily basis. Since 1990, US households with children reported food insecurity rate is always above 23.6%.
Fact B: About 63 percent of Americans are dependent on their NEXT paycheck to meet CURRENT living expenses. The majority of workers in the U.S. would be hard-pressed to meet their Current financial obligations if their Next paycheck were delayed for just 2 weeks, according to results from “Getting Paid in America” survey.
Fact C: Swamped by debt, elderly Americans have been seeking bankruptcy-court protection at sharply faster rates. From 1995 to 2015, the rate of personal bankruptcy filings among Americans ages 65 or older jumped by 158%, according to AARP. The most startling rise occurred among Americans ages 75 to 84, whose rate soared 437%.
Enough, we, the more than 100 million FAKE middle class Americans refuse to pretend middle class anymore! Because We Can’t Pretend Middle Class Indefinitely!
American Dream Is the Greatest Fraud in Human History!!